Delegate Information

Message to delegates

President Schroeder’s message to 2023 synod convention delegates

2022 Statistical Report

Each year, WELS collects data from all congregations and schools. That data is compiled in a statistical report containing information for every church, circuit, conference, and district. WELS Congregational Services then publishes an annual Statistical Summary & Analysis to help congregations and the synod plan how to best steward the resources God provides.

Delegate Information Booklet

All the important information about serving as a delegate to the synod convention is included in this booklet. Get information on how to prepare, travel planning, what to expect while at the convention, and more!


WELS Official Reports

Access the archive of current and previous Official WELS Reports. Those include the Annual Report, Book of Reports and Memorials, Report to the Twelve Districts, Proceedings, Yearbook, and WELS Constitution.

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As a Delegate…

As a delegate to our synod’s convention, you have been chosen to serve our Lord and his church. The synod in convention is the legislative body of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS). It establishes, reviews, and amends the policies and the direction of WELS as we pursue our mission. You have accepted a high privilege and a solemn responsibility.


The purpose of the synod convention is

  • to meet as a delegate synod to carry out the responsibilities of the legislative body of WELS,
  • to celebrate God’s blessings on our ministry in the past,
  • to nurture our faith, and
  • to set in motion an agreed-upon plan of ministry for the future.

You are one of about 400 voting delegates who represent our churches, missions, and schools from around the world. You should be an informed decision-maker who learns the views of those you represent and then prayerfully ponders and votes on what WELS should be doing for the Lord.


The primary source of the convention’s business is the Book of Reports and Memorials (BORAM), which contains various departmental reports as well as formal petitions to the synod convention called “memorials.” A memorial outlines a particular item of business for consideration by the delegates. As a  representative from your geographical area, you are asked to know the views of those you represent and are responsible to make sure those views get heard. Please attend district, conference, or circuit meetings where the BORAM will be discussed.

Floor Committee Assignments

Advisory Delegates

Voting Delegates