Book of Reports and Memorials

The primary source of the convention’s business is the Book of Reports and Memorials (BORAM), which contains various departmental reports as well as formal petitions to the synod convention called “memorials.” A memorial outlines a particular item of business for consideration by the delegates. Check out BORAM as well as additional information below.

Convention delegates: Read BORAM to get the full picture of the synod’s work. You will be assigned to a floor committee whose responsibility will be to react and respond to an assigned portion of BORAM.

BORAM extras

Congregation and District Ministry

Ministry Support


Board for Ministerial Education

Subsidiaries and Benefit Plans

Committee on Constitutional Matters

BORAM Archive

Report to the Twelve Districts (RTTD) contains updates from all WELS’ areas of ministry and provides topics to be discussed at the district conventions. View previous RTTD resources in the online Official Reports Archive.